Saturday, March 15, 2008

New Basil

I planted some seeds last weekend, and the basil have been the first up. They look so small and vulnerable. (The pyrex jug is chipped, which is why it's being used as a planter.)

We've been having a problem with our freezer - the repair guy came this morning. When I got home from work on Thursday, it was beeping, telling me that the freezer compartment wasn't cold enough. It was cold, but not what it should have been. After multiple middle-of-the-night beeping-induced investigations v. early on Thursday morning (coupled with the fact that I was having a bout of food poisoning), I called the helpline on Friday morning. The repair guy came today, knelt down in front of the freezer, pushed the door trigger button, and listened. Apparently our fan is frozen, because of a design flaw with the freezer's insulation. He's added whatever insulation was required and our freezer is now happily defrosting. Frost-free, my foot. At 10:40am tomorrow we can turn it back on and put stuff back in it. The frozen peas et al. are currently in a coolbag in the garage - there will be an inspection as to how frozen everything still is when we turn it all back on. This is the SECOND design fault with an otherwise fab fridge. Bah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Basil Fawlty - a possible blog title lol?

it's not actually funny about faulty freezer but now im chuckling remembering past Fawlty Towers episodes. Fab basil already sprouting.

anyway do hope you've recovered from food poisoning and freezer hassle gets sorted speak soon M x