Friday, July 21, 2006

My Swiss Kitchen

I bought some picture hooks at Woolworth's today (yes, they still have Woolies in England), which meant that John could hang my Swiss Kitchen in our Stowmarket Kitchen.

There are three of these in my family: my mom has one, Sandra has one, and I have one. This one was originally Grandma's, and it's the only thing I wanted from her house after she died. According to Mom, it had been earmarked as mine years ago. Anyway, we packed it in bubble wrap after the wedding and carefully brought it back to England. Upon taking it OUT of the bubble wrap, I broke the stove hood off...sad times.

Travis to the rescue! Not only did he reattach the stove thingy, he rejoined the corners that had been out of whack since before I can remember. Now it's better than ever.

P.S. This post is dedicated to Sandra who is hobbling around on a broken foot. Get well soon!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks and well done to Travis!

In the corner cupboard on the left there used to be a tiny green plant with slightly fuzzy leaves. We all thought it was quite something that a plant could be in that tiny pot.

The Swiss kitchen is back on the other side of the Atlantic now.

